Documented Paper Assignment

English 101-0930 Fall 2019 

Documented Paper Assignment  

Thesis Statement due April 4th in class 

Proposal due April 11th in class WITH proposed third researched source 

First Draft due May 1st by 11:59pm  

(Please submit first draft by email to [email protected]) 

Final Draft due May 13th  by 11:59pm 


9001000 words 


This is the third and final of our three essays this semester. For this assignment, you need to write a thesis-driven paper using at least three researched sources. I will provide two sources, and you will find the third, reliable source. Your source will be a peer-reviewed paper or a book. We will discuss in class how to select reputable sources. 


This essay will focus on our readings about food from the textbook, still keeping in mind the question of what is true and what is learned. You can choose from the following questions: 


  1. Have current events changed our eating habits, our shopping habits, and our attitude toward nutrition? If so, how? 
  1. Which factor contributes more to healthy eating: education or economics?  
  1. Who influences our eating habits more: our family or the larger environment we live in? 


I will provide two sources, and you will provide the third source. 

Here are some essays you can use as sources from the textbook: 


Escape From the Western Diet by Michael Pollan p. 624 


Why Don’t Convenience Stores Sell Better Food by Olga Khazan p. 632 


Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko p. 647 


The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food by Michael Moss p. 656 


How Junk Food Can End Obesity by David H Freedman p. 681 


For this essay, I want you to think about the following: 

  1. What is your thesis statement? How will you prove your point? 
  1. For the body of your essay, choose at least three supporting ideas, with supporting sources, and in text citations. 
  1. In your conclusion, refer back to your thesis, give your readers something to take away, something that you may have learned in your research, perhaps a further question that you could ask about the topic in future exploration. Make sure you close your question in a satisfactory way. 
  1. Your list of Works Cited will contain at least three sources: two provided by me, and one provided by you. 


Use correct MLA format in text citations, Works Cited list.   



A – The essay has a strong thesis, stays focused, and refers back to the thesis in the conclusion. It has a clear beginning, middle, and end.  It contains three in text citations with supporting sources, one of which is found by you, using MLA format and a list of Works Cited. 

B – The essay has an understandable thesis. It is mostly clear and focused. It contains at least two in text citations from at least two sources, one of which is found by you. 

C – The thesis is not entirely clear. The essay is somewhat clear and focused. It contains at least one in text citation. 

D – The essay is mostly confusing. It contains no clear thesis, or no reference to the selected work. 

F – There is no essay.