- Dilemma —
a dilemma is when a difficult choice has to be made between at least two possibilities, usually equally undesirable possibilities - Omnivore —
a person or animal that can eat both plants and animals for food (The worksheet for Pollan further defines terms like vegetarian, vegan, herbivore, and carnivore.) - Ethical Decisions and Responsibility —
the process of evaluating and choosing something with the desire to do what is right regardless of the cost - Consumption (food and in general) —
the using up of a resource (food or other materials); the total amount of food that is available to eat in a town/state/nation; the total amount of food a person eats; - Conviction —
a firmly held belief or opinion - Production and/or Products —
the process of making something - Moral Justifications —
a process of evaluation where a person attempts to make a morally questionable act seem right - Culture —
the customs of a particular people, nation, or other social group