May 2nd

Hello All, Since I have only received a few responses so far about the one on one meetings, please could you complete this poll to let me know whether you would prefer to have a whole class meeting as usual, or one on one meetings. If I don’t receive sufficient responses, we will meet as usual at 10am on zoom. Since we only have two weeks left now (two group meetings and one final exam), please email me about anything you’d like me to go over in class. See you in class, Yolande

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May 2nd One on One Zoom Meetings

Hello All, Next Saturday, May 2nd, I will be holding one on one meetings with each one of you instead of having a group meeting. Please submit your rough draft to me during the week so I will have time to read it and respond by May 2nd. I have changed the due date for the rough draft to May 1st at 11:59pm. The final draft of the documented paper is still due on May 9th at 11:59pm. Please select a time and write your name in the appropriate space in the document provided in the Blackboard announcement. The time slots are first come first served. …

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Help from Librarian, Lane Glisson

Hello All, After our informative and helpful session last Saturday, librarian Lane Glisson has offered the following information to help you with your Documented Paper and any other research projects you have: Students can email Professor Lane Glisson to set up a research appointment via Zoom, or simply to ask questions via email:    [email protected] Login for Library databases from off-campus is the barcode number on the back of your BMCC ID cardunder the barcode.  If your login doesn’t work, fill out this form to have it activated by our staff: Article databases for journalism magazines and scholarly journals that we used in class are in either Academic Search Complete and Academic OneFile.  The reference …

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Final Exam/Information from Saturday’s Class (04/18)

Hello All, Thank you for turning up for our very helpful library session with librarian, Professor Glisson. You can contact her at [email protected] for individual help with your Documented Paper Essay. Yesterday, I shared that your Final Exam will now be an essay assignment that you will have three days to complete, and that you will submit it via Blackboard. Here is the information I have: The Eng. 101 / 100.5 Final Exam. The English 101 and 100.5 exam will be required and will be given as an “assignment” in Blackboard that must be completed in three days. Students will use this time …

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Saturday April 18th

Hello All, I hope you have had a good week.  Tomorrow, Saturday April 18th, we will meet with librarian, Lane Glisson, to discuss good research and citation practices. I passed along to him your preliminary writings for the Documented Paper Assignment, and he will walk us through how to use the BMCC library online. Please make sure you have your id card and emplid numbers accessible so that you can log in if you haven’t already set up a CUNY library account. Our Virtual Classroom will be open from 10:30am, and the librarian will join us at 11am. See you in class! Yolande

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This Week (until April 18th)

Hello All, Thank you so much to those of you who attended our on-line session today. Your questions and comments were very helpful. Those of you who were unable to come were missed, but I understand that some people are observing the religious holiday. Next Saturday, we will meet with the librarian who will help in your search for reliable sources for your Documented Papers. If you have not sent me your thesis statement yet, please do so as soon as possible. I have posted recordings of today’s discussions on Blackboard. To protect your privacy, this and all future class videos will be posted …

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Today’s Class (April 11th) and This Week

Hello All, We will be meeting in the Virtual Classroom today from 10:30am until 11:30am. I will stay longer if there is demand, and this meeting is optional. Today we will discuss potential sources and other matters related to the Documented Paper Assignment. This will prepare us for our online meeting with librarian, Professor Lane Glisson, next Saturday April 18th at 11 am. Professor Glisson kindly provided this informative and easy to follow short video about using MLA format citations. He is going to help you identify good sources for your assignment. Today we will also discuss your responses to the Documented Paper question you chose, and Pollan Worksheet and the Foster-Wallace Worksheet. I asked you to …

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Final Exam Readings

Hello All, A BMCC professor has kindly shared her read aloud versions of the Final Exam Readings. I think you will find these very helpful, and relaxing to listen to as you make notes on the talking points provided in the recent worksheets. Here are the links: The Omnivore’s Dilemma Read Aloud Consider the Lobster Read Aloud The Omnivore’s Dilemma Worksheet Consider the Lobster Worksheet Try at least to listen to the audio recordings by this Saturday April 11th, so that we can discuss these in class. Stay well!

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